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Why You Should Choose a Panorama Screen Display

September 21, 2020

A beautiful display screen can take your business to the next level! Today’s society is all about technology, and finding unique and beneficial ways to incorporate technology into your store or company will have you seeing benefit after benefit. Creative display screens can do just that.

If you’re looking for something truly unique and next level, consider installing a panorama display, you won’t regret it!

What is a Panorama Screen?

Unlike traditional display screens, panorama or panoramic, screens are exceptionally wide. Like panorama photos, these screens allow your business to display visuals that are more real, bold, and help you to better connect to your customers or audience. You are able to see an image in multiple directions making for a 3D-like experience. A screen like no other, for sure!

Benefits of a Panorama Display Screen

Adding a display screen to your office, store, or business will only have you wishing you did so sooner with the wide range of benefits that comes with doing so:

  • Easily convey your messageIf you have information that you want your customers or employees to know quickly and conveniently, a display screen is the solution. Add crucial information, current news, and answers to frequently asked questions to your display to save everyone the time and hassle of asking or looking up on their own. Have a sale coming up? Advertising a new product or service? Everyone can see it from your panoramic display screen!
  • Attract new customersA panorama display is nothing less than eye-catching and can be seen from far distances. Screen displays are a great way to get more people to notice your business and invite them to come in.
  • Excellent visual qualityIf you’re looking to show off some beautiful imagery, a panorama display is perfect. The widescreen is great for helping images stand out, and both look and feel realistic as if you’re in the image itself.

Individual screen put together to make a wide panoramic display

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Custom Digital Screen Solutions!

As the global leader in optical bonding, Fortec US supports you in all project phases – from the construction of the metal housing and procurement of specific parts to in-house development of controller boards and touchscreen integration. In need of a product, part, or have a project in mind? Contact us today at (631) 580-4360 or click here for more information.

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