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Why Should I Backup My Files?

March 30, 2021

Today, March 31st is World Backup Day! On this day each year, we are reminded of the importance for each and every one of us to take some time to create a backup of our important documents and files that we store electronically. This simple task will go a long way in saving you a future headache in the event of data loss.

What is a Data Backup?

When backing up your data, you create a copy or an archive of your important files and information on an electronic device. To create a backup, you want to manually download a new digital copy of your important documents onto a separate device, to be used as a backup and restoration method for lost files.

Why Is Backing Up Files Important?

While technology helps store important information, mistakes, hacks, and technological failures can happen to anyone and at any time, making data backups necessary to protect your documents. Creating a backup puts you ahead if you do suffer from data loss. Millions are affected by file loss each year from ransomware attacks, lost phones, stolen laptops, computer viruses, and more, so be sure you’re protected in case of a problem.

What Data Should I Backup?

In general, you should be backing up anything that can’t be replaced if it’s lost or anything important to you. This may include: 

  • Pictures
  • Videos
  • Address books
  • Emails
  • Music files
  • Finances
  • Documents
  • Spreadsheets

If you own a business, there may be more you want to back up, such as customer databases, operating systems, configuration files, blueprints, and other important files.

A graphic showing a man selecting to digitally backup his files.

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