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Tips For Successfully Utilizing Digital Signage During The Winter

January 29, 2021

The winter months and colder temperatures usually mean less foot traffic and people shopping outdoors, keeping shopping malls busy! With fewer people around outside, it’s essential to capitalize on your opportunities to attract shoppers to your business. For indoor malls, it’s necessary to try and stand out from the competition. 

Make the most out of your digital signage during the winter months with these tips:

Consider Your Messaging

What’s going to make customers come into your store and shop? When adding signage to your displays, be sure to advertise what’s exciting about your store. If you’re having a sale, showcasing new products, or celebrating an event or holiday, be sure to advertise it in your windows and let potential customers know! 

Keep it Unique and Bright

Nothing catches the eye like something bright! The goal is to keep your signage eye-catching by making sure it stands out among any other store. Utilizing lights, bright colors, fun decorations, and more is a great way to stand out and excite customers!

Consider The Season

One of the great parts about the start of the winter season is the holidays! Take advantage of increased foot traffic and individuals’ holiday shopping plans with your digital signage. Theme accordingly to the current holidays, events, and weeks to pique your customer’s interest.

Consider Movement

A static message with bold imagery can definitely help gain attention, but what about a moving or ever-changing message? Not only will you stand out against the rest, but you are also more likely to get customers to stop, read, and possibly come in based on your modern display. Utilizing a custom digital display screen is the best way to bring your signage to the next level, so you can change it whenever you want and design it to look however you choose!

Store's digital screen in window during winter

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Custom Digital Screen Solutions!

As the global leader in optical bonding, Fortec US supports you in all project phases – from the construction of the metal housing and procurement of specific parts to in-house development of controller boards and touchscreen integration. In need of a product, part, or have a project in mind? Contact us today at (631) 580-4360 or click here for more information.

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