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The Importance of a Digital Display at an Office

January 29, 2020

If you’re the owner of a company, you might be trying to find new ways to help upgrade your business’ visual appearance. Whether that be repainting the lobby or going for an entire renovation, the possibilities are truly endless — however, what about adding a digital display screen (or a few)? 

Before you pick up another swatch of paint, here’s why you should consider bringing custom digital displays into your office:

Benefits of a Digital Display in an Office

Present Company Announcements

Gone are the days when a print flyer would be an effective means of communicating an announcement to your employees — cue the installation of a digital display! Unlike print, a digital display will be more eye-catching and even has the potential to be animated, too. And whether you have one central screen in the lobby, or multiple screens across your building, they can all bear the same uniform message — and be changed at the same time, too!

Can Be Edited at Any Time

Sure, you can always have new print materials manufactured, but that’s rather timely (and costly, too). That said, a digital display removes the necessity of needing to place a print order and can get your message up within seconds. And, indeed, if a message needs to be changed, or you find a typo, then it can be edited and uploaded within mere minutes — a task that print cannot tackle.

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Custom Digital Screen Solutions!

As the global leader in optical bonding, Fortec US supports you in all project phases – from the construction of the metal housing and procurement of specific parts to in-house development of controller boards and touchscreen integration. In need of a product, part, or have a project in mind? Contact us today at (631) 580-4360 or click here for more information.

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