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Let’s Talk About Flat LCD Screens

May 1, 2019

When it comes to display screens, the one model that always takes the lead is a flat LCD screen. Known to be quite universal, in terms of use, you’ll be able to spot one of these screens just about anywhere and for anything. If you’re looking to upgrade a display screen at your business or company, you might want to gravitate towards a flat LCD screen. Not sure why? Here are some benefits to consider:


As mentioned earlier, a flat LCD screen can be used for just about anything. Whether it’s for a digital menu at a restaurant or an exhibit at a prestigious museum, you can incorporate one of these screens in any way, shape, or form. Another perk about these screens is that they’re also lightweight — but how would that benefit your brand?


Depending on the usage, sometimes, screens can be a tad too heavy or bulky for specific projects. However, opting to use a flat LCD screen is the perfect choice since it’s lightweight in consistency. This makes it ideal for a thin, sleek display that has to fit in a rather tight space — which brings us to our next benefit.


A flat LCD screen truly lives up to its name! These screens are the perfect size for just about any display, no matter how simple or complex they may be. These won’t have a rather bulky composition and will be sleek and slender to fit in the tightest of spaces. You’ll indeed be amazed at how incredible a flat LCD screen is!

As the global leader in optical bonding, Fortec US supports you in all project phases – from the construction of the metal housing and procurement of specific parts to in-house development of controller boards and touchscreen integration. In need of a product, part, or have a project in mind? Contact us today at (631) 580-4360 or click here for more information.

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