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Ideas for a Raspberry Pi Touch Screen Display

October 1, 2019

One of the most universal pieces of technology happens to be a Raspberry Pi Touch Screen Display. This device is commonly used in many different industries and can be found in a variety of places around the globe. If you’re looking into purchasing one of your own, but aren’t too sure where you’d like to place it (or how you’d like to use it), here is some inspiration on how you can incorporate this device! 

Futuristic Mirror

When watching television or a major motion picture, did you ever see a smart mirror? These pieces of technology live up to their name: the mirror allows the user to check the time, date, weather, and even email updates — it’s as if you’re multitasking while getting ready for work in the morning. Well, if you thought that this was pure fiction, it’s not: it’s an attainable dream with this device!

Custom Photo Booth

With the help of a webcam or camera, you can turn your Raspberry Pi Touch Screen Display into the display screen on a photo booth! This, of course, would be perfect to have in the atrium of a lobby at your business or to even have in your home for an extra element of added fun! In fact, having a custom photo booth would be one of the best ways to further exemplify your business by increasing your brand representation.

If You’re Searching for a Raspberry Pi Touch Screen Display, Contact Us Today! 

As the global leader in optical bonding, Fortec US supports you in all project phases – from the construction of the metal housing and procurement of specific parts to in-house development of controller boards and touchscreen integration. In need of a product, part, or have a project in mind? Contact us today at (631) 580-4360 or click here for more information.

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