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Leveraging IoT for Business Efficiency and Innovation

Unlocking Business Potential with IoT Innovation The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the business landscape, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency and innovation. By connecting devices and systems, IoT enables real-time data collection, monitoring, and analysis, which can transform business operations and drive growth.  In this blog, the Fortec US team explores how businesses can leverage IoT to enhance efficiency, …

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Custom Optical Bonding Solutions for Unique Display Requirements

The Advantages of Tailored Optical Bonding for Specialized Displays In today’s fast-paced and visually-driven world, the demand for high-quality displays with superior performance and durability is ever-increasing. At Fortec US, we understand that every industry and application has unique requirements. That’s why we specialize in providing custom optical bonding solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of your display projects. …

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Choosing the Right Touchscreen Monitor for Your Business

How to Select the Perfect Touchscreen Monitor for Your Business Needs with Fortec US In today’s fast-paced business environment, integrating the right technology is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Touchscreen monitors have revolutionized the way businesses operate, offering enhanced interactivity, efficiency, and user experience. But with numerous options available, how do you choose the right touchscreen monitor for your …

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Optical Bonding: Why Should I Invest?

What is Optical Bonding? Optical bonding is a process that consists of applying an adhesive layer to a glass screen or touchscreen, which is then attached to an LCD panel of a monitor. This process secures the two together to create a solid bond without any air pockets in between them. What are the Benefits of Investing in Optical Bonding? …

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Optical Bonding of Flat Panel Displays

Optical Bonding Optical bonding is a process that consists of applying an adhesive layer to a glass screen or touchscreen, which is then attached to an LCD panel of a monitor. This process secures the two together to create a solid bond without any air pockets in between them. Optical bonding is necessary for touch screens and display screens to …

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5 Cyber Security Tips For Your Small Business

As your small business grows, you’re going to be interacting with more and more customers, vendors, and outside parties. This can put your company at risk for cyber security issues if any of these groups decide to do you harm through hacking or other means. Luckily, there are steps you can take to protect your business from cyber security issues …

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Fortec US Artista-IoT Starter Kit

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that describes the network of physical items, or “things,” that have technologies inside them, such as software, sensors, and more. These devices, ranging from simple household electronics to complex industrial tools, are used to create, store, and exchange data with other devices and systems across the internet, so we can stay connected …

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How to Care For and Maintain your LED Screen Display

Although there are several benefits to having an LED screen display, such as the amazing brightness and quality of the picture, these screens require extra care to ensure their longevity. And with the average lifespan of an LED screen display lasting up to 100,000 hours, you want to make sure yours lives up to this number! From the Fortec US …

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How to Help Your Touch Screens Last Longer

Touch screens have become a necessity and have helped us in a multitude of ways, especially for businesses. To ensure your touch screens can work properly and be there when we need them for a long time, they require some care and maintenance.  To help your touch screens last longer, here’s what you can do to care for them: Keep …

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The Risks of Long-Term Blue Light Exposure

What is Blue Light? Blue is one of the colors emitted from the light spectrum. More so than the other colors, blue light, in particular, has a short wavelength and is higher in energy. Blue light is emitted from fluorescent and LEDs which could be in the form of light bulbs or your technological devices’ screens such as flat-screen TVs, …